I had some minor annoyance while using Vim on the commandline. Whenever I did: sudo vim
my Vim plugin wheren’t loaded (root had no .vimrc). I discovered that you can add environmental variables to sudo so I added this to my ~/.bash_aliases
Disabling the oneconf service in Ubuntu
Oneconf was eating up a lot of memory on my system. But if you purge the oneconf package it also removes the ubuntu-desktop and software-center package. And I wanted to keep those. Especially ubuntu-desktop.
David Anderson had a nice post about this...
Opensource Github alternative
While searching for a nice Github alternative (too pricey I think) I came upon this nice alternative. GITLAB Check it out!
Changing ip address on Ubuntu server
Easy as pie:
1 2 | ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route add -net netmask gw
Kruidvat fotoservice installeren op Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) / Linux
Ik wilde een paar foto’s afdrukken op een groot formaat en het was eerste paasdag. Dus toen ben ik maar gaan zoeken naar fotosites die Linux ondersteunen. 1 van de weinige die Linux (een beetje) ondersteunt is Kruidvat.
Zij bieden losse software aan...
Ik heb de eerste versie van motorrijweer.nl live gezet! ’t Is nog vrij basis maar je kunt wel al voor een paar regio’s het motorweer/motorrijweer opvragen. Op naar de volgende versies!
Combining 4 images and aligning them next to eachother
The workflow: make two new images out of 4: combining 2x2 to make hdr’s. Then aligning them
1 2 3 4 | sudo apt-get install hugin-tools enfuse enfuse DSC_166* -o 1.jpg enfuse DSC_167* -o 2.jpg align_image_stack... |
The continuing story of Zend Studio 5.5.1 (part 2)
Everytime I install a new version of Ubuntu / Linux I’m hoping Zend Studio (the old/good one) will still be working. This time with Ubuntu 12.04 I again had to do this but it didn’t take longer than a couple of minutes.
First I had to install the...
msmtp and the aliases file (/etc/aliases)
Since version 1.4.25 msmtp has support for a aliases file. I edited my ~/.msmtprc and added:
1 | aliases ~/.aliases
Removing the password from an (open) ssl key
1 | openssl rsa -in www_silverpower_nl.key -out www_silverpower_nl.key.unencrypted