Entries in the category 'Development'
Using your desktop's git author everywhere you ssh
TIL about SSH agent forwarding
Some opengraph links
running compass in the background on a server
Set the Ubuntu Mono patched powerline font as system font in Ubuntu
How to repair an SQLite database
Cleaning up Git
Git: an easy way to change authors name
Removing the password from an (open) ssl key
dump a Varien_Db_Select / Zend_Db_Select query
git add -u
Phoogle: a _good_ fixed version
Ruby on Rails: custom fields on a per-user basis
Compiling jruby from source in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex
Released github widget
Rails vs. Merb
Deploying, merb, capistrano & passenger
New ticket/issue tracking software
Css flash messages
vpnc with openssl!
Installing ruby 1.8.7 (and guessnet) on Hardy
Downloading Netbeans nightly builds
How to make a diff/patch
Apache2 umask: testserver purposes!
Puppet troubles
compiling suexec: the fast way (because your website is down)
Images & why you need com_resize
Released callbacks 0.0.1
pushing all git remote repositories
Interactive/inline editor in irb
40 different layouts
Blog themes
com_resize on wordpress plugins
Nice image resizer
Image resize script for wordpress
Tutorials on writing linux kernel device drivers (usb)
Up to date on GIT
testing and Rails
Installing jruby
The beauty of Ubuntu
Rdoc and Rails
What's all this git stuff anyway?
Ruby on rails: acts_as_authenticated and current_user in a model
Updating the mysql root password
Ruby on rails, apache en mongrel
Like the new look of my site?
Installing a brother usb printer on Debian Sarge
New country list script
Php function for checking a string for an url